7 Benefits of Drinking Water you Probably Didn’t Know

The human body is 60% water . That’s why it’s so important that we drink plenty of water on a daily basis. Water offers a myriad of health benefits. Let’s dive in to learn more:

1. Drinking water helps to regulate your body temperature .

Drinking water helps to regulate your body temperature. As a natural diuretic, water helps to flush toxins from the body and keeps your kidneys functioning properly by flushing out excess salt from your system.

The more you sweat during exercise or in hot weather, the more you need to drink water since it is a natural diuretic. Not taking in enough fluids when exercising or in hot weather, can lead to dehydration and may lead to a heat stroke (a dangerous condition). One way that drinking plenty of fluids helps regulate your body temperature is that it prevents you from sweating too much by keeping the salts in your body balanced and helping them stay where they belong.

2. Drinking water can help prevent headaches.

Drinking water can help prevent headaches . You’ve probably heard of this before, but the reason is simple: drinking enough water keeps your body hydrated, which means that you’re less likely to get headaches.

There are many types of headaches, and each type has its own cause(s). However, most headaches can be prevented by staying hydrated! Drinking eight oz. glasses of water each day is a great start. If you have one particular kind of headache (like cluster headaches), ask your doctor what else might help.

3. Water helps keep your digestive system moving.

Water helps keep your digestive system moving. Water is important for the movement of food through your body, the absorption of nutrients from food and the excretion of waste from food.

Water also helps produce saliva , which is necessary for digestion. If you’re dehydrated, you may experience less saliva production and therefore have a harder time digesting your food properly. It’s important to drink plenty of water every day so that you don’t become dehydrated and start experiencing symptoms like dry mouth or constipation (when it becomes difficult to pass stool).

4. Drinking water can promote cardiovascular health.

Drinking water can promote cardiovascular health.

Our bodies need water to help blood flow and maintain blood pressure, as well as to keep our hearts pumping and beating. Water also helps our bodies recover after exercise, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. When we’re dehydrated, all these processes become less efficient—our organs don’t function optimally, which can lead to ill health.

5. Water keeps you hydrated and energized.

Water helps the body conserve energy. As you know, water is needed to carry out many of your bodily functions, including digestion and waste removal. But did you know that it also plays an important role in keeping your body energized? Water helps the body regulate its temperature—it’s why we sweat and shiver to cool off when we’re overheated or warm up when we’re cold! In addition to regulating temperature, water performs other functions that help us stay alert and focused throughout the day:

  • It makes digestion easier by helping food move through our digestive tract more quickly; this means less bloating after meals.
  • It helps absorb nutrients from foods so they can be used by our bodies (like magnesium found in almonds).
  • It flushes out toxins that can make us feel sluggish or sick (like caffeine).
  • It maintains healthy skin (by helping keep moisture levels balanced).

6. Water may help relieve constipation .

It’s no secret that water is a key part of keeping your digestive system running smoothly, but it may also help relieve constipation. If you aren’t drinking enough water, your body will pull fluids from other parts of its system to get rid of waste. When there’s not enough fluid in the intestines, they can become dry and hard to pass through—which means more discomfort when going number two.

By drinking plenty of water each day (it doesn’t have to be all at once), you’ll reduce the amount of fluid that needs to be pulled from other parts of your body. This is especially helpful during pregnancy and after having a baby when you’re already feeling bloated or constipated due to hormones and extra weight gain.

Drinking lots of H2O throughout the day will keep even more toxins out of your system as well as prevent dehydration—so now there are two reasons why we should all be carrying around those reusable bottles!

7. Water is good for skin health.

Water is good for skin health.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it’s important to keep this organ healthy. Water can help with that!

Water helps to keep your skin hydrated. This means that your skin cells are moist and plump, which gives them a more youthful appearance. Water also helps flush out toxins from the body that can cause dark circles under the eyes or fine lines on the face by diluting them as you pee or sweat.

Nourish your skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of water!

  • Water is the building block of life.
  • It is essential for your body to function properly and stay healthy.
  • Drinking plenty of water helps to flush toxins from your system by helping the organs to do their job properly (i.e., kidneys, liver, etc.).
  • Drinking plenty of water helps keep your digestive system working well so that you can digest food easily and absorb nutrients from it!
  • If you want glowing skin, drink lots of water! The best way for skin cells to absorb moisture is through drinking it in our bodies as opposed to applying creams on top of them separately that might not be absorbed into our bodies very well—or at all if we’re using ineffective products like Vaseline petroleum jelly or coconut oil instead!


To summarize, there are many reasons why drinking water is beneficial for our health. It increases energy levels, helps to flush out toxins from our bodies, prevents dehydration, and hydrates skin from the inside out! Do you have any other benefits of drinking water?

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